Retrieve Staking Wallet Delegations


Retrieve staking wallet delegation information.

Path Parameters

  • coinstringRequired
    The staking asset.
  • walletIdstringRequired
    The wallet id
    Example: "59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f"

Query Parameters

  • delegationIdsstring
    Delegation ids
  • delegationStatusstring
    Delegation status
  • unstakeableboolean
    Unsupported for staking
  • delegationAddressstring
    The delegation Address
  • providerstring
    Validator provider used for staking
  • pageintegerDefault: 1
    Page number for pagination
  • pageSizeintegerDefault: 20
    Page size for pagination
  • sortBystringDefault: -createdDate
    Sort By field
    Enum: -createdDate createdDate

200 Response

Min items: >= 1 items
Max items: <= 500 items
id string
Staking Request Id.
coin string
The staking asset
walletId string
The id of the wallet where the delegation is tied to
delegationAddress string
Delegation Address
withdrawalAddress string
Withdrawal Address
delegated string
Delegation amount
status string
Delegation status
rewards string
Lifetime rewards received
lockedRewards string
Locked rewards received
pendingUnstake string
Amount that is pending unstake
pendingStake string
Amount that is pending stake
apy string
The estimated reward APY (or APR if rewards are not compounding)
unstakingFee string
Total fees needed in the wallet to unstake an amount from the delegation
unstakingMin string
Min amount needed to unstake from the delegation
page integer
Page number for paging purposes
totalPages integer
Total number of pages for paging purposes
totalElements integer
Number of elements per page used for paging purposes

400 Response

One of
code string
message string
status integer

401 Response

code string
message string
status integer

403 Response

code string
message string
status integer

404 Response

code string
message string
status integer

409 Response

code string
message string
status integer

500 Response

code string
message string
status integer