Login Request


Request Body

email string required
The email address of the user
extensible boolean
otp string required
The one-time password
password string required
The password

200 Response

access_token string
Example: 9b72c68ef394f5146f0f3efc1feafb7a971752cb00e79fafcfd8c1d2db83639c
derivationPath string
encryptedECDHXprv string
encryptedToken string
expires_at number required
Unix timestamp
Example: 1534201288
expires_in number required
noECDHKeychain boolean
scope array[string] required
Example: ["crypto_compare","user_manage","openid","profile","wallet_create","wallet_manage_all","wallet_approve_all","wallet_spend_all","wallet_edit_all","wallet_view_all"]
token_type string required
user object required
id string
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
isActive boolean
isFrozen boolean
freezeReason string
Example: Frozen due to suspicious activity
name object
username string <email>
Example: user@example.com
email object
phone object
country string
Example: USA
state string
Example: New York
warning string

400 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id

401 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id