Create key


Path Parameters

  • coinstringRequired
    A cryptocurrency or token ticker symbol.
    Example: btc

Request Body

coinSpecific object
lnbtc object
tlnbtc object
encryptedPrv string
Private part of this key pair, encrypted with a passphrase that only the client knows. Required for all sources except 'bitgo'.
source string
Allowed values: backup bitgo cold user
Example: user
enterprise string
The Enterprise that will own this key
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
newFeeAddress boolean
Create a new keychain instead of fetching enterprise key (only for Ethereum)
pub string
Public part of this key pair. If the key type is "independent" (default) it is required for user key and is optional for backup key. If key type is "tss" this field is not required.
Example: xpub661MyMwAqRbcGMVhmc7wqQRYMtcX9LAvSj1pjB213y5TsrkV2uuzJjWnjBrT1FUeNWGPjaVm5p7o6jdNcQJrV1cy3a1R8NQ9m7LuYKA8RpH
isDistributedCustody boolean
Set to true if you want to create a key for distributed custody. This parameter is only valid if you have the distributed custody enterprise license enabled and are creating a BitGo key. Otherwise it will throw an error.
Example: false
commonPub string
The commonPub for the key. This value is necessary for BLS keys when the source is either “user” or “backup”. Setting this indicates to BitGo that the owner of the key has received all key shares they needed for generating their key.
commonKeychain string
The commonKeychain for the key if this is a MPC key. This value is required to be set when the type is set to “tss” and when the source is either “user” or “backup”. Setting this indicates to BitGo that the owner of the key has received all key shares they needed for generating their key. This value is the common pub concatenated with the common chaincode.
keyShares array[object]
Only required for BitGo MPC keys. Those will be the shares from the user and the backup provider that BitGo will end up generating the BitGo key (share) from.
from string required
The source of the key share.
Allowed values: user backup bitgo
Example: user
to string required
The recipient of the key share.
Allowed values: user backup bitgo
Example: user
publicShare string required
Public part of the share concatenated with chain code (64+64 characters hex string).
privateShare string required
Private part of the share concatenated with chain code (64+64 characters hex string). Depending on who the source and the recipient are, the share might be encrypted against the recipient's public key.
privateShareProof string
The certificate of the private share, signed by the source of the key share.
vssProof string
The verifiable shamir share verification value
type string
Coin name used to choose correct KRS public key for the given provider. Possible valid values are "btc", "eth", "bitcoin"
Example: eth
keyType string
A value from a string enum denoting what kind of key this is. Defaults to “independent” indicating an on-chain key is requested. If set to “tss” this tells us that a “tss” key is requested.
Allowed values: tss independent blsdkg
Default: tss
Example: tss
userGPGPublicKey string
User's public key in ASCII armored format. Only required for BitGo MPC keys.
backupGPGPublicKey string
Backup public key in ASCII armored format (may be managed by user or KRS). Only required for BitGo MPC keys.
isMPCv2 boolean
Whether a key or wallet is using the Multi-Party Computation version 2 protocol. Optional field.

200 Response

One of
encryptedPrv string
The encrypted private key
id string required
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
isBitGo boolean
True, if this key is owned by BitGo
Example: false
source string
Allowed values: backup bitgo cold user
Example: user
type string required
A value from a string enum denoting what kind of key this is. Defaults to “independent” indicating an on-chain key is requested. If set to “tss” this tells us that a “tss” key is requested.
Allowed values: tss independent blsdkg
Default: independent
Example: tss
pub string
public part of a key pair
Example: xpub661MyMwAqRbcGMVhmc7wqQRYMtcX9LAvSj1pjB213y5TsrkV2uuzJjWnjBrT1FUeNWGPjaVm5p7o6jdNcQJrV1cy3a1R8NQ9m7LuYKA8RpH

400 Response

error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id
context object
Properties that apply to a specific error name
name string required
Error code