Update Trading Partner Request


The Update Trading Partner Request API allows you to accept, reject, or cancel a pending trading partner request

Path Parameters

  • enterpriseIdstringRequired
    Enterprise ID
  • accountIdstringRequired
    Your trading account ID
  • partnershipIdstring<uuid>Required
    unique ID of the trading partnership that is to be updated

Request Body

Trading partner status update
status string required
Partnership status between two trading accounts
Allowed values: accepted rejected canceled pending unknown
Example: accepted

200 Response

id string <uuid>
unique ID of the trading partnership, used for updating partnerships
primaryAccountId string
primary account ID of the partnership
primaryEnterpriseName string
enterprise name of the primary account ID
secondaryAccountId string
secondary account ID of the partnership
secondaryEnterpriseName string
enterprise name of the secondary account ID
status string
Partnership status between two trading accounts
Allowed values: accepted rejected canceled pending unknown
Example: accepted
type string
Partnership type between two trading accounts
Allowed values: direct agency
Example: direct
updatedAt string <date-time>
ISO date string
requesterAccountId string
account ID that initiated the trading partner request

400 Response

error string required
Human-readable error message
errorName string required
Immutable error code for API integration
reqId string required
Client request id