Get fee estimate


Returns the estimated fee for a transaction. UTXO coins will return a fee per kB, while Account-based coins will return a flat fee estimate.

The fee estimate provided by BitGo is higher than the usual network fee. This additional fee is not charged by BitGo but is used to ensure that the transactions are processed faster and do not fail on the blockchain network.

Path Parameters

  • coinstringRequired
    A cryptocurrency or token ticker symbol.
    Example: btc

Query Parameters

  • numBlocksinteger
    target number of blocks
  • recipientstring
    Recipient of the tx to estimate for (only for ETH)
  • datastring
    ETH data of the tx to estimate for (only for ETH)
  • amountstring
    Amount in base units being sent to estimate for (only for ETH)
  • hopboolean
    True if we are estimating for a hop tx, false or unspecified for a wallet tx (ETH, AVAXC and POLYGON)

200 Response

One of
feePerKb integer required
(BTC only) The fee (in base units) per kilobyte (or virtual kilobyte) required to confirm a transaction on 2 or more blocks.
Example: 15902
cpfpFeePerKb integer
(BTC only) Child-Pays-For-Parent (CPFP) fee (in base units) per kilobyte (or virtual kilobyte). Includes the fees for all unconfirmed transactions dependent on the CPFP transaction.
numBlocks integer required
(BTC only) The number of blocks required to confirm a transaction. You can use 'numBlocks' to estimate the fee rate by targeting confirmation within a given number of blocks. If both 'feeRate' and 'numBlocks' are absent, the transaction defaults to 2 blocks for confirmation. Note: The 'maxFeeRate' limits the fee rate generated by 'numBlocks'.
Example: 2
confidence integer
(BTC only) The confidence (as a percentage) in the accuracy of the fee estimate.
Minimum: >= 0
Maximum: <= 100
Example: 80
feeByBlockTarget object
(UTXO only) Custom multiplier to the 'feeRate'. The resulting fee rate is limited by the 'maxFeeRate'. For replace-by-fee (RBF) transactions (that include 'rbfTxIds'), the 'feeMultiplier' must be greater than 1, since it's an absolute fee multiplier to the transaction being replaced. Note: The 'maxFeeRate' limits the fee rate generated by 'feeMultiplier'.
Example: {"1":50536,"2":15902,"3":1579}

400 Response

error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id
context object
Properties that apply to a specific error name
name string required
Error code