Get cross-chain unspents


Returns atomic cross-chain unspents that can be imported by the wallet. Supported coins: AVAX.

Path Parameters

  • coinstringRequired
    A cryptocurrency or token ticker symbol.
    Example: "btc"
  • walletIdstringRequired
    Example: "59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f"
    Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$

Query Parameters

  • sourceChainstring
    Returns unspents exported from the source chain. If not provided, returns outputs from all chains.
    Enum: P C

200 Response

Array of
unspent object
outputID integer
Type ID for this output.
Example: 7
amount string
Amount as a BigNumber string.
Example: 2000000
txid string
Transaction ID of this unspent.
Example: 2WW4Z9R9jdUSR1uheJ1rGuLUNXjipXESGknGWrkqx7KUU1YKV5
threshold integer
Number of signatures required to unlock UTXO.
Example: 1
addresses array[string]
Addresses tied to the UTXO for the signatures.
Example: ["C-fuji167u3leuup654jdea3euggkhh82ta53jer3ttf4","C-fuji19vy09dn76mvt55r0x2d3ch2jrr8z6lgp80vzlj","C-fuji1dynny22nx9l7mujpwadmyj930yjqa040zdjh0w"]
outputidx string
Index of the output in the transaction.
Example: 1
locktime string
Time that the UTXO is unlocked.
Example: 0
fromWallet string
Public ID of the wallet (in the source chain) that created the cross-chain output.
Example: 6386565affdf48cb812ca1f0ed49a621
toWallet string
Public ID of the wallet (in the destination chain) that's the target recipient of the cross-chain transfer.
Example: 6386565affdf48cb812ca1f0ed49a621
toAddresses string
Addresses (in the destination chain) that are target recipients of the cross-chain transfer.
Example: 0x125c4451c870f753265b0b1af3cf6ab88ffe4657

400 Response

One of
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id
context object
Properties that apply to a specific error name
name string required
Error code

403 Response

error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id
context object
Properties that apply to a specific error name
name string required
Error code

404 Response

error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id
context object
Properties that apply to a specific error name
name string required
Error code