List enterprises


Query Parameters

  • expandTotalWalletCountsboolean
    True, if returning the total number of wallets for each enterprise.
  • excludeWalletMembershipsboolean
    True, if excluding enterprises that the user joined only through wallet memberships.

200 Response

id string required
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
name string required
Example: Small Company
additionalEnterpriseInfo object required
bitgoOrg string required
BitGo Organization related to this entity
Allowed values: BitGo Trust BitGo New York BitGo Germany BitGo Switzerland Frankfurt DE Trust BitGo Singapore BitGo Korea BitGo Sister Trust 1 BitGo Inc
kycState string required
Allowed values: unverified approved rejected pending
legalIdentifiers object required
type string required
latestSAVersionSigned number required
Example: 0
travelRule boolean required
productLicenses array[string] required
canAccessBorrowing boolean required
whether the enterprise has the licence for BitGo Prime Borrowing
canAccessLending boolean required
whether the enterprise has the licence for BitGo Prime Lending
canAccessSettlement boolean required
whether the enterprise has the licence to utilize settlement functionality
canAccessTrading boolean required
whether the enterprise has the licence to access BitGo Trading
canCreateColdWallet boolean required
whether the enterprise has the license to create cold wallets
canCreateHotWallet boolean required
whether the enterprise has the license to create hot wallets
canCreateCustodialWallet boolean required
whether the enterprise has the license to create custodial wallets
canCreateOffchainWallet boolean required
whether the enterprise has the license to create trading accounts
oneTimeFees array[string] required
upfrontPaymentStatus string required
ethAlwaysUseHop boolean required
Always use hop address for ETH transactions
usersViewAllWallets boolean required
All users on the enterprise can view all enterprise wallets, even if they are not viewers on the wallet itself
Example: true
videoIdWaived boolean required
Whether the customer has waived the need for Video ID on low risk withdrawals.
Example: false
tradeOnboardingAgreement object
Who & when the MPA license was ack'd
stakingServicesAgreement object
For users doing self-service onboarding, they just need to click a checkbox to agree to the terms. we will track who & when that happened on a feature-by-feature basis.
custodyServicesAgreement object
For users doing self-service onboarding, they just need to click a checkbox to agree to the terms. we will track who & when that happened on a feature-by-feature basis.
accountType string
Indicates which type of KYC process the enterprise has to complete
Allowed values: individual entity
businessModel string
Allowed value: bitgoAsAService
salesforceAccountId string
Opportunity ID from Salesforce
salesforceOpportunityId string
opportunityName string
Opportunity Name from Salesforce
salesEmail string
cheetahAccountId string
CheetahAccountID is the unique ID for a BitGo Trust enterprise in Cheetah, which is the accounting system used by Trust.
primaryContact string
The Id of the User who is the primary contact
Min length: >= 1 characters
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
organizationId string
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
emergencyPhone string
Phone number for emergencies
Example: +11234567890
pricingPlan string
The pricing plan of the enterprise
approvalsRequired number
How many Enterprise Admins are required for action to fire
Example: 1
mutablePolicyWindow number
Time in seconds after which policies on this Enterprise cannot be updated
Example: 172800
freeze object
bitgoEthKey string
The public portion of the ethererum key generated for the enterprise fee address
ethFeeAddress string
The eth fee address used to pay for network transaction fees of this enterprise
walletLimit dictionary<string, number>
preferredUi string
The UI that this enterprise prefers to use
Allowed values: bg23
dictionary<string, number> or null
featureFlags array[string]
labels array[string]
licenses array[string]
New licences that are not stored as flags. Tax requires Portfolio Professional or Institutional
ellipticId string
Identifier for environment variables for a customer's Elliptic API credentials
ellipticHotWallets boolean
Hot wallet transactions on this enterprise are monitored in Elliptic
vaspId string
coinSpecific dictionary<string, any>
walletCounts object
Number of wallets per coin
object or null
source string
Allowed values: bitcoinBuilder ftx sofi bitcoinWell
totalWalletsCount number
The total number of wallets in the enterprise
Example: 1
internal object
distributedCustody object
migratedToNewPolicyService boolean
Whether the enterprise has been migrated to the new policy service
videoIdUsers array[object]
3 IDs of users on the enterprise that are approved for custodial video ID
videoIdRequired boolean
Check for video ID Users

400 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id

404 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id