List staking details by wallet


Get staking wallet information including staking delegated balance, rewards accrued, and rewards accrual annual percentage rate.

Path Parameters

  • coinstring or stringRequired
    The staking asset.
  • walletIdstringRequired
    The wallet ID.
    Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f

200 Response

enterpriseId string required
The ID of the enterprise where the the staking request was created.
walletId string required
The ID of the wallet where the staking request was created.
walletType string required
The type of wallet the staking request was created from, either cold, custodial, or hot.
label string required
The label of the wallet the staking request was created from.
coin string required
The staking asset.
delegated string required
The delegated staked amount in base units.
pendingUnstake string required
The amount that is actively being unstaked.
pendingStake string required
The amount that is actively being staked.
spendableAttributes object
Spendable attributes
rewards string required
The amount of rewards received in base units.
lockedRewards string required
The amout of locked rewards in base units.
apy string required
The reward accrual annual percentage rate. The rate is estimated yearly based on the last 7 days using the same methodology as leading beacon chain validator aggregators (e.g.
createdDate string required
The date the staking request was created.
modifiedDate string required
The last date the staking wallet was modified.

400 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

401 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

403 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

404 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

409 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

500 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object