Allocate funds to Partner Connection


This API call allows clients to allocate funds to a connected partner for trade. A successful allocation indicates that funds are locked at BitGo and available for spend on the connected partner. Note: Allocations will happen synchronously and allocated amounts can be viewed in the BitGo Application or via a balances endpoint.

Path Parameters

  • connectionIdstringRequired
  • enterpriseIdstringRequired

Request Body

amount PositiveBNCurrencyAmount required
currency string required
quantity string required
clientExternalId string required
nonce string required
notes string
payload string required
signature string required

200 Response

One of
allocation V1ClearedAllocation required
id string required
amount PositiveCurrencyAmount required
connectionId string required
clientExternalId string required
partnerExternalId string
initiatedBy string required
notes string
createdAt string required
updatedAt string required
retriable boolean required
Allowed value: false
status string required
Allowed value: cleared

400 Response

401 Response

error string required

404 Response

error string required

422 Response

allocation V1ReleasedAllocation required
id string required
amount PositiveCurrencyAmount required
connectionId string required
clientExternalId string required
partnerExternalId string
initiatedBy string required
notes string
createdAt string required
updatedAt string required
retriable boolean required
Allowed value: false
status string required
Allowed value: released
reason string required
error string required

500 Response

One of
error string required