Update Trading Account Settings


The Update Trading Account Settings API allows you to modify the settings on your trading account.

Path Parameters

  • enterpriseIdstringRequired
    Enterprise ID
  • accountIdstringRequired
    Trading Account ID

Request Body

Account settings to update and their new values
affirmationExpirationTime number
Expiration time for new settlements and affirmations, in milliseconds. If this amount of time passes before a settlement is affirmed, rejected, or canceled, the settlement will be marked as failed.
Example: 86400000

200 Response

accountId string
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
affirmationExpirationTime number
Expiration time for new settlements and affirmations, in milliseconds. If this amount of time passes before a settlement is affirmed, rejected, or canceled, the settlement will be marked as failed
Example: 86400000
feeRates object
Fee rates set for a given account
settlement number
Fee rate for settlements. This value is specified in basis points (hundredths of a percent)
Example: 5
referralCode string
Referral code of given account
Example: FC8G

400 Response

error string required
Human-readable error message
errorName string required
Immutable error code for API integration
reqId string required
Client request id

401 Response

error string required
Human-readable error message
errorName string required
Immutable error code for API integration
reqId string required
Client request id