Get wallet by ID


Get one wallet by its 'walletId'. One 'walletId' can map to multiple receive addresses.

Path Parameters

  • walletIdstringRequired
    Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
    Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$

Query Parameters

  • allTokensboolean
    Include data for all subtokens (i.e. ERC20 Tokens, Stellar Tokens)
  • unspentCountboolean
    True, if including unspent count for UTXO-based coins.
  • includeRbfboolean
    True, if including Replace-By-Fee (RBF) transactions in the total balance amount.
  • expandAdvancedWhitelistboolean
    True, if including the advanced whitelist wallet address in the response. The address is annotated as part of the whitelist entry metadata
  • includeStakingBalancesboolean
    Includes the staked balance and reward balance of the wallet
  • includeBalanceboolean
    Omit trying to fetch the wallet balance

200 Response

allowBackupKeySigning boolean required
approvalsRequired number required
Minimum: >= 1
Example: 1
coin string required
A cryptocurrency symbol or token ticker symbol
Example: btc
coinSpecificOne ofrequired
rootAddress string required
addressCount string required
pendingChainInitialization boolean required
rewardAddress string required
lastChainIndex dictionary<string, number>
deleted boolean required
disableTransactionNotifications boolean required
hasLargeNumberOfAddresses boolean required
id string required
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
isCold boolean required
label string required
Example: My Wallet
startDate string <date-time>required
Wallet creation time
admin object
policy object
billingEnterprise string
buildDefaults object
minFeeRate number
(UTXO only) Wallet-level minimum fee rate that must be greater than or equal to the default of 1000 satoshis/kvByte. Per transaction, you can override "minFeeRate" with the "feeRate" parameter.
Minimum: >= 1000
Example: 12000
clientFlags array[object]
name string
value boolean
config object
custodialWalletId string
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
customChangeKeySignatures object
user string
backup string
bitgo string
customerWalletId string
enterprise string
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
organization string
bitgoOrg string
freeze object
time string <date-time>
expires string <date-time>
instantProvider string
keys array[string]
Example: ["585951a5df8380e0e304a553","585951a5df8380e0e30d645c","585951a5df8380e0e30b6147"]
keySignatures object
backupPub string
bitgoPub string
m number
Number of signatures required. This value must be 2 for hot wallets, 1 for **ofc** wallets, and not specified for custodial wallets.
Example: 2
migratedFrom string
multisigType string
Allowed values: onchain tss blsdkg
multisigTypeVersion string
Allowed value: MPCv2
n number
Number of keys provided. This value must be 3 for hot wallets, 1 for **ofc** wallets, and not specified for custodial wallets.
Example: 3
recoverable boolean
tags array[string]
type string
The type describes who owns the keys to the wallet and how they are stored. "cold" wallets are wallets where the private key of the user key is stored exclusively outside of BitGo's system. "custodial" means that this wallet is a cold wallet where BitGo owns the keys. Only customers of the BitGo Trust can create this kind of wallet. "custodialPaired" means that this is a hot wallet that is owned by the customer but it will be linked to a cold (custodial) wallet where BitGo owns the keys. This option is only available to customers of BitGo Inc. BitGo stores an encrypted private key for the user key of "hot" wallets. "trading" wallets are trading accounts where the coin is "ofc". "distributedCustody" means You manage one key and another key agent manages the second key. BitGo manages the third key
Allowed values: backing cold custodial custodialPaired hot trading
subType string
Allowed values: distributedCustody pairedCustodial custodialHot custodialCold lightningCustody lightningSelfCustody
balanceString string
The cleared balance of the address in base units (e.g. Satoshis). Guaranteed to not lose precision. The is only returned if the 'expandBalance' query parameter is set to 'true'.
balance number
The cleared balance of the address in base units (e.g. Satoshis). The is only returned if the 'expandBalance' query parameter is set to 'true'.
confirmedBalanceString string
The total balance of confirmed transactions in base units (e.g. Satoshis). The is only returned if the 'expandBalance' query parameter is set to 'true'. Guaranteed to not lose precision.
confirmedBalance number
The total balance of confirmed transactions in base units (e.g. Satoshis). The is only returned if the 'expandBalance' query parameter is set to 'true'.
spendableBalanceString string
The total balance in base units (e.g. Satoshis) which may be used as inputs for creating new transactions in string representation. Guaranteed to not lose precision. The is only returned if the 'expandBalance' query parameter is set to 'true'.
spendableBalance number
The total balance in base units (e.g. Satoshis) which may be used as inputs for creating new transactions in string representation. The is only returned if the 'expandBalance' query parameter is set to 'true'.
stakingBalanceString string
The staked balance in base units. Guaranteed to not lose precision. The is only returned if the 'includeStakingBalances' query parameter is set to 'true'.
rewardBalanceString string
The staking reward balance in base units. Guaranteed to not lose precision. The is only returned if the 'includeStakingBalances' query parameter is set to 'true'.
users array[object]
needsRecovery boolean
permissions array[string] required
This type represents the permissions that can be assigned to a user when adding them to a wallet 1. 'admin': add/remove wallet policies, add/remove wallet users, approve/reject wallet pending approvals, withdraw assets from wallet, generate new receive addresses, view all balances and transactions 2. 'spend': withdraw assets from wallet, generate new receive addresses, view all balances and transactions 3. 'view': generate new receive addresses, view all balances and transactions 4. 'freeze': 5. 'trade': trade on a wallet - applicable only for trading wallets
Allowed values: admin spend view freeze trade
recoverable boolean
user string
walletFlags array[object]
name string required
Allowed values: isStaking lightning musigKp trackingInscriptions rbf coldWalletStaking tokenizationToken oneClickStaking solOfcStaking suiOfcStaking
value string required
receiveAddress object
coin string required
A cryptocurrency symbol or token ticker symbol
Example: btc
wallet string required
chain number required
Allowed values: 0 1 10 11 20 21 30 31 40 41
index number required
id string
Platform public ID for an address
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
address string
Max length: <= 250 characters
Example: 2MvrwRYBAuRtPTiZ5MyKg42Ke55W3fZJfZS
balance object
coinSpecificOne of
Properties specific to certain coin types
label string
A human-readable label for the address
Max length: <= 250 characters
Example: Bob's Hot Wallet Address
lastNonce number
Default: -1
token string
proof string
signature string
lastConsolidatedTime string <date>
needsConsolidation boolean

400 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id

401 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id

403 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id

404 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id

500 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id