List available assets


Lists all available assets for a given enterprise. Must have view permissions on the enterprise

Path Parameters

  • enterpriseIdstringRequired
    Example: "59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f"
    Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$

Query Parameters

  • includeTokensbooleanDefault: false
    True, if returning tokens.
  • excludeOfcCoinsbooleanDefault: false
    True, if excluding off-chain assets.

200 Response


400 Response

error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id
context object
Properties that apply to a specific error name
name string required
Error code

404 Response

error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id
context object
Properties that apply to a specific error name
name string required
Error code