List Trades


Lists trades from the trading account. This will include trades that have not yet settled.

Path Parameters

  • accountIdstringRequired
    The id of the trading account to retrieve

Query Parameters

  • offsetinteger
  • limitinteger
  • orderIdstring<uuid>
    The orderId of the trades to retrieve
  • dateGtestring<date-time>
    Return exchange trades with a trade date that is greater than or equal to the given timestamp
  • dateLtstring<date-time>
    Return exchange trades with a trade date that is less than the given timestamp

200 Response

data array[object] required
Example: {"id":"7e0c768e-2d16-4c1e-b39d-06fa20009397","orderId":"d50ec984-77a8-460a-b958-66f114b0de9b","time":{},"side":"buy","product":"BTC-USD","quoteQuantity":"100.50","price":"22333.33","quantity":"0.0045","settled":true}
id string <uuid>required
orderId string <uuid>required
time string <date-time>required
product string required
Product name e.g. BTC-USD
side string required
Side of a trade, from the perspective of the requesting user
Allowed values: buy sell
Example: buy
price string <decimal>required
quoteQuantity string <decimal>required
Quote quantity, e.g. For BTC-USD product, 100.50 USD
quantity string <decimal>required
Base quantity, e.g. For BTC-USD product, 0.0045 BTC
settled boolean required

default Response

error string required
errorName string required
reqId string required