Send to many


Send coins or tokens to one or more recipients. You can use this endpoint to schedule outgoing transactions in bulk, lowering your aggregate amount of blockchain fees.

Available for most BitGo-supported assets. Works with both multisignature and MPC wallets. Also supports external-signer mode.

Path Parameters

  • coinstringRequired
    A cryptocurrency or token ticker symbol.
    Example: btc
  • walletIdstringRequired
    Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
    Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$

Request Body

recipients array[object]
List of recipient addresses and amounts to send
address string
Destination address
Max length: <= 250 characters
Example: 2MvrwRYBAuRtPTiZ5MyKg42Ke55W3fZJfZS
amountOne of
The amount in base units (e.g. satoshis) to send. For doge, only string is allowed.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
tokenName string
The token name. Required for MPC wallets token transactions.
Example: sol:natix
tokenData object
Data set to build a transaction that involves a token interaction.
otp string
Two factor auth code to enable sending the transaction. Not necessary if using a long lived access token within the spending limit.
walletPassphrase string
Passphrase to decrypt the user key on the wallet. Required if External Signer is not used to sign the transactions.
prv string
The un-encrypted user private key in string form. If the key is a JSON object it must be stringified. Required if 'walletPassphrase' is not available or encrypted private key is not stored by BitGo.
type string
Required for transactions from MPC wallets. "acceleration" speeds up transactions with a certain nonce by adjusting the gas setting. "accountSet" is for XRP AccountSet transactions. "enabletoken" is for SOL. "stakingLock" and "stakingUnlock" are for Stacks delegations. "transfer" is for native-asset transfers. "trustline" is for Stellar trustline transactions. Possible types include: [acceleration, accountSet, enabletoken, stakingLock, stakingUnlock, transfer, transfertoken, trustline] For AVAX only, possible types include: [addValidator, export, import]
numBlocks integer
(BTC only) Used to estimate the fee rate by targeting confirmation within the given number of blocks. If neither 'feeRate' nor 'numBlocks' is specified, a block target of 2 is used by default. Can be limited with 'maxFeeRate'.
Minimum: >= 2
Maximum: <= 1000
feeRateOne of
Custom minimum fee rate in a coin's base unit per kilobyte (or virtual kilobyte)--for example, satoshis per kvByte or microAlgos per kByte. For xrp, it refers to the open ledger fee in drops (1 XRP = 1000000 drops) and the actual fee used is usually 4.5 times the open ledger fee. If the applied 'feeRate' does not meet a coin's required minimum transaction fee amount, the minimum is still applied (for example, 1000 sat/kvByte , a flat 1000 microAlgos or a flat 10 drops of xrp).
Example: null
maxFeeRateOne of
Custom upper limit for fee rate in a coin's base unit per kilobyte (or virtual kilobyte)--for example, satoshis per kvByte or microAlgos per kByte. 'maxFeeRate' can be used to limit a fee rate estimate generated with 'numBlocks'.
Example: null
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
feeMultiplierOne of
Custom multiplier for fee rate. Suggested to be used in conjunction with 'maxFeeRate' for higher priority transactions, or transactions which may not be broadcast for some time after being built. If used together with 'rbfTxIds' (RBF), it acts as an absolute fee multiplier for the transaction to be replaced. Must be greater than 0. Must be a number and greater than 1 if used for RBF.
Example: null
Match pattern: ^-?[\d\.]+$
minConfirms integer
The unspent selection for the transaction will only consider unspents with at least this many confirmations to be used as inputs. Does not apply to change outputs unless used in combination with 'enforceMinConfirmsForChange'.
enforceMinConfirmsForChange boolean
When set to true, will enforce minConfirms for change outputs. Defaults to false.
Default: false
gasPriceOne of
Custom gas price to be used for sending the transaction. Only for ETH and ERC20 tokens.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
eip1559 object
maxPriorityFeePerGasOne of
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
maxFeePerGasOne of
Max total gasPrice for EIP1559 transactions. Only for ETH and ERC20 tokens.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
gasLimitOne of
Custom gas limit to be used for sending the transaction. Only for ETH and ERC20 tokens.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
targetWalletUnspents integer
Specifies the minimum count of good-sized unspents to maintain in the wallet. Change splitting ceases when the wallet has 'targetWalletUnspents' good-sized unspents. **Note**: Wallets that continuously send a high count of transactions will automatically split large change amounts into multiple good-sized change outputs while they have fewer than 'targetWalletUnspents' good-sized unspents in their unspent pool. Breaking up large unspents helps to reduce the amount of unconfirmed funds in flight in future transactions, and helps to avoid long chains of unconfirmed transactions. This is especially useful for newly funded wallets or recently refilled send-only wallets.
Default: 1000
minValueOne of
Ignore unspents smaller than this amount of base units (e.g. satoshis). For doge, only string is allowed.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
maxValueOne of
Ignore unspents larger than this amount of base units (e.g. satoshis). For doge, only string is allowed.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
sequenceId string
A 'sequenceId' is a unique and arbitrary wallet identifier applied to transfers and transactions at creation. It is optional but highly recommended. With a 'sequenceId' you can easily reference transfers and transactions&mdash;for example, to safely retry sending. Because the system only confirms one send request per 'sequenceId' (and fails all subsequent attempts), you can retry sending without the risk of double spending. The 'sequenceId' is only visible to users on the wallet and is not shared publicly.
nonce string
(DOT only) A nonce ID is a number used to protect private communications by preventing replay attacks. This is an advanced option where users can manually input a new nonce value in order to correct or fill in a missing nonce ID value.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
noSplitChange boolean
Set 'true' to disable automatic change splitting. Also see: 'targetWalletUnspents'
Default: false
unspents array[string]
Used to explicitly specify the unspents to be used in the input set in the transaction. Each unspent should be in the form 'prevTxId:nOutput'.
Example: 12b147dd8b4f73c01f72bdbf5b589eea614f3de609ffdbdac84852d6505cf8a3:1
changeAddress string
Specifies a custom destination address for the transaction's change output(s)
Max length: <= 250 characters
Example: 2MvrwRYBAuRtPTiZ5MyKg42Ke55W3fZJfZS
txFormat string
[UTXO only] Format of the returned transaction hex serialization. 'legacy' for serialized transaction in custom bitcoinjs-lib format. 'psbt' for BIP174 serialized transaction
Allowed values: legacy psbt
Default: legacy
Example: psbt
instant boolean
(DASH only) Specifies whether or not to use Dash's "InstantSend" feature when sending a transaction.
memo object
Memo for Stellar or EOS. Type is only required for memos in Stellar transactions. The memo contains optional extra information that can also be used to identify payments in Stellar or EOS.
type string
value string
comment string
Optional metadata (only persisted in BitGo) to be applied to the transaction. Use this to add transaction-specific information such as the transaction's purpose or another identifier that you want to reference later. The value is shown in the UI in the transfer listing page.
Max length: <= 256 characters
destinationChain string
(AVAXC and AVAXP only) Destination chain for an AVAX import/export transaction. One of [P, C].
sourceChain string
(AVAXC and AVAXP only) Source chain for an AVAX import/export transaction. One of [P, C].
addressType string deprecated
DEPRECATED - use 'changeAddressType'. The type of address to create for change. One of 'p2sh', 'p2shP2wsh', 'p2wsh', or 'p2tr'.
changeAddressTypeAny of
The address type for the change address. One of 'p2sh', 'p2shP2wsh', 'p2wsh', 'p2tr' or 'p2trMusig2'.
Allowed values: p2sh p2shP2wsh p2wsh p2tr p2trMusig2
Example: p2sh
startTime string
Unix timestamp in seconds.nanoseconds format, denoting the start of the validity window. Only for HBAR transactions.
Example: 1714067129.1020603
consolidateId string
(ALGO/TEZOS only) Consolidation ID of this consolidation transaction.
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
lastLedgerSequence integer
(XRP only) Absolute max ledger the transaction should be accepted in, whereafter it will be rejected
ledgerSequenceDelta integer
(XRP only) Relative ledger height (in relation to the current ledger) that the transaction should be accepted in, whereafter it will be rejected
rbfTxIds array[string]
The list of transactions to accelerate using Replace-By-Fee (RBF) for UTXO coins (currently accelerating only one tx is supported).
isReplaceableByFee boolean
It is used to mark an UTXO transaction eligible for Replace-By-Fee (RBF) later.
validFromBlock integer
Optional block this transaction is valid from
validToBlock integer
Optional block this transaction is valid until
trustlines array[object]
List of trustlines to manage on the account. Available for Stellar.
token string
One of the supported coin types for Stellar tokens listed in [Coin-specific-implementation](#tag/Coin-specific-implementation)
Allowed values: add remove
limit string
String representation of the amount to limit in base units (stroops)
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
stakingOptionsAny of
Required object for staking. Only for CSPR and STX.
amountOne of
Required for CSPR. String representation of the amount to stake or unstake in base units (motes).
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
validator string
Required for CSPR. The validator address used to delegate or undelegate.
Max length: <= 250 characters
Example: 2MvrwRYBAuRtPTiZ5MyKg42Ke55W3fZJfZS
messageKey string
Optional parameter that takes a hexadecimal value to set 'messagekey' for an XRP 'accountSet' transaction. Recipients field should be empty when 'messageKey' is set.
reservation object
Optional parameter for UTXO coins to automatically reserve the unspents that are used in the build. Useful for Cold wallets. If using, must set expireTime.
expireTime string <date-time>
Required. The time that the unspent reservations should expire.
data string
(ETH only) Optional data to pass to the transaction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 let params = { recipients: [ { amount: 0.01 * 1e8, address: '2NFfxvXpAWjKng7enFougtvtxxCJ2hQEMo4', }, { amount: 0.01 * 1e8, address: '2MsMFw75RKRiMb548q6W4jrJ63jwvvDdR2w', }, ], walletPassphrase: 'secretpassphrase1a5df8380e0e30', }; wallet.sendMany(params).then(function (transaction) { // print transaction details console.dir(transaction); });

200 Response

transfer object
New transfer
coin string required
A cryptocurrency or token ticker symbol.
Example: btc
id string required
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
wallet string required
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
enterprise string
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
txid string required
The on-chain transaction id
Example: b8a828b98dbf32d9fd1875cbace9640ceb8c82626716b4a64203fdc79bb46d26
txidType string
The type of the transaction id
Allowed values: transactionHash blockHash
height integer required
The height of the block this Transfer was confirmed in (999999999 if unconfirmed)
heightId string
The unique height id of the block
date string <date-time>required
The date this Transfer was last updated
confirmations integer required
The number of blocks that have been confirmed since this Transfer's block was confirmed
type string required
Defines whether or not this Transfer was sent or received by the user
Allowed values: send receive
value integer
The total value (in base units) sent by this Transfer (may be approximate for ETH and other coins where amounts in base units can exceed 2^53 - 1)
valueString string required
The total value (in base units) sent by this Transfer represented as a String
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
intendedValueString string
A string representation (in base units) of the initial value for the transfer. This is present because when a transaction fails on chain, its value is mutated to be zero. This string is immutable and will always be the intended value of the initial transfer regardless of the final state of the transaction.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
baseValue integer
The value (in base units) sent by this transfer, excluding network fees. BitGo is deprecating this field in the future. Instead, use baseValueWithoutFees.
baseValueString string
The value (in base units) sent by this transfer, excluding network fees represented as a string. BitGo is deprecating this field in the future. Instead, use baseValueWithoutFees.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
baseValueWithoutFees integer
The value (in base units) sent by this transfer excluding network fees.
baseValueWithoutFeesString string
The value (in base units) sent by this transfer, excluding network fees, represented as a string
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
feeString string
The Transfer's fee (in base units) represented as a String
payGoFee integer
The Transfer's BitGo fee (in base units)
payGoFeeString string
The Transfer's BitGo fee (in base units) represented as a String
usd number required
The amount of USD of this Transfer (will be negative if it's a send)
usdRate number required
The USD price at the time this Transfer was created
state string required
Allowed values: confirmed failed initialized pendingApproval rejected removed replaced signed unconfirmed
Example: confirmed
tags array[string] required
The tags to be used on this Transfer (used in Policies)
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
history array[object] required
An audit log of events that have happened to the Transfer during its lifecycle
comment string required
A comment from the user
vSize integer
The size of the transaction
coinSpecific object required
Transfer fields specific to each coin type
sequenceId string
A 'sequenceId' is a unique and arbitrary wallet identifier applied to transfers and transactions at creation. It is optional but highly recommended. With a 'sequenceId' you can easily reference transfers and transactions&mdash;for example, to safely retry sending. Because the system only confirms one send request per 'sequenceId' (and fails all subsequent attempts), you can retry sending without the risk of double spending. The 'sequenceId' is only visible to users on the wallet and is not shared publicly.
entries array[object]
An array of objects describing the change in address balances made as a result of this Transfer
usersNotified boolean
Whether BitGo already sent notifications to the users of the transfer wallet
label string
Address labels (if any) from entries concatenated.
replaces array[string]
Transaction IDs that this transfer replaces.
replacedBy array[string]
Transaction IDs that replace this transfer.
txid string
Unique transaction identifier
txOne of
Encoded transaction hex (or base64 for XLM)
status string
Transfer status
Allowed values: signed signed (suppressed) pendingApproval

202 Response

transfer object
New transfer
coin string required
A cryptocurrency or token ticker symbol.
Example: btc
id string required
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
wallet string required
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
enterprise string
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
Match pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
txid string required
The on-chain transaction id
Example: b8a828b98dbf32d9fd1875cbace9640ceb8c82626716b4a64203fdc79bb46d26
txidType string
The type of the transaction id
Allowed values: transactionHash blockHash
height integer required
The height of the block this Transfer was confirmed in (999999999 if unconfirmed)
heightId string
The unique height id of the block
date string <date-time>required
The date this Transfer was last updated
confirmations integer required
The number of blocks that have been confirmed since this Transfer's block was confirmed
type string required
Defines whether or not this Transfer was sent or received by the user
Allowed values: send receive
value integer
The total value (in base units) sent by this Transfer (may be approximate for ETH and other coins where amounts in base units can exceed 2^53 - 1)
valueString string required
The total value (in base units) sent by this Transfer represented as a String
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
intendedValueString string
A string representation (in base units) of the initial value for the transfer. This is present because when a transaction fails on chain, its value is mutated to be zero. This string is immutable and will always be the intended value of the initial transfer regardless of the final state of the transaction.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
baseValue integer
The value (in base units) sent by this transfer, excluding network fees. BitGo is deprecating this field in the future. Instead, use baseValueWithoutFees.
baseValueString string
The value (in base units) sent by this transfer, excluding network fees represented as a string. BitGo is deprecating this field in the future. Instead, use baseValueWithoutFees.
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
baseValueWithoutFees integer
The value (in base units) sent by this transfer excluding network fees.
baseValueWithoutFeesString string
The value (in base units) sent by this transfer, excluding network fees, represented as a string
Example: 2000000
Match pattern: ^-?\d+$
feeString string
The Transfer's fee (in base units) represented as a String
payGoFee integer
The Transfer's BitGo fee (in base units)
payGoFeeString string
The Transfer's BitGo fee (in base units) represented as a String
usd number required
The amount of USD of this Transfer (will be negative if it's a send)
usdRate number required
The USD price at the time this Transfer was created
state string required
Allowed values: confirmed failed initialized pendingApproval rejected removed replaced signed unconfirmed
Example: confirmed
tags array[string] required
The tags to be used on this Transfer (used in Policies)
Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
history array[object] required
An audit log of events that have happened to the Transfer during its lifecycle
comment string required
A comment from the user
vSize integer
The size of the transaction
coinSpecific object required
Transfer fields specific to each coin type
sequenceId string
A 'sequenceId' is a unique and arbitrary wallet identifier applied to transfers and transactions at creation. It is optional but highly recommended. With a 'sequenceId' you can easily reference transfers and transactions&mdash;for example, to safely retry sending. Because the system only confirms one send request per 'sequenceId' (and fails all subsequent attempts), you can retry sending without the risk of double spending. The 'sequenceId' is only visible to users on the wallet and is not shared publicly.
entries array[object]
An array of objects describing the change in address balances made as a result of this Transfer
usersNotified boolean
Whether BitGo already sent notifications to the users of the transfer wallet
label string
Address labels (if any) from entries concatenated.
replaces array[string]
Transaction IDs that this transfer replaces.
replacedBy array[string]
Transaction IDs that replace this transfer.
txid string
Unique transaction identifier
txOne of
Encoded transaction hex (or base64 for XLM)
status string
Transfer status
Allowed values: signed signed (suppressed) pendingApproval

400 Response

One of
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id
context object
Properties that apply to a specific error name
name string required
Error code