Get staking reward history


Retrieve staking reward history.

Path Parameters

  • coinstring or stringRequired
    The staking asset.

Query Parameters

  • enterpriseIdstring
    The enterprise ID of the enterprise a user staked from.
  • walletIdstring
    The wallet ID of the wallet a user staked from. Either the enterpriseId or walletId need to be passed in.
    Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
  • rangestring
    The time range for the data, either hourly or daily.
  • startDatestring<date-time>
    The start date to search from.
  • endDatestring<date-time>
    The end date to search from.
  • pageintegerDefault: 1
    The page number for pagination.
    Minimum: >= 1
  • pageSizeintegerDefault: 20
    The page size for pagination.
    Minimum: >= 1
    Maximum: <= 100
  • sortBystringDefault: -date
    Sort By field
    Enum: -date date

200 Response

rewards array[object]
An array of rewards.
reward string required
The reward in base units.
walletId string
The wallet ID.
enterpriseId string
The enterprise ID.
date string <date-time>required
The date and time of the reward.
page integer
The page number for paging purposes.
totalPages integer
The total number of pages for paging purposes.
totalElements integer
The number of elements per page used for paging purposes.

400 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

401 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

403 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

404 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

409 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object

500 Response

error string
errorName string
reqId string
context object