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Client Allocations & Deallocations
Allocate funds to partner connection
Deallocate Funds from Connection
Get client allocation or deallocation
List Partner-Supported Currencies
List client allocations and deallocations
Client Balances
List client balances
Client Settlements & Transfers
Get client settlement
List client settlement transfers
List client settlements
Create Partner
Partner Allocations & Deallocations
Get partner allocation or deallocation
List partner allocations and deallocations
Partner Balances
List partner balances
Partner Settlements & Transfers
Get partner settlement
Initiate on-chain settlement
List partner settlements
Perform partner settlement
Post deposit info for an on-chain settlement
[DEPRECATED] Perform partner settlement
Bank account
Create a bank account
Delete bank account
Get bank account
List bank accounts
Update bank account
Add Go Account connection
Create enterprise listing
Create enterprise listing entry
Get enterprise listing
List Go Account connections
List counterparties
List entries available for connection
List entry contacts
Update Go Account entry
Update connection status
Update enterprise listing
Audit log
List audit logs
Freeze the enterprise
Get enterprise
Get enterprise MPC config
Get enterprise regional features
Get enterprise user signing key
Get enterprise's wallet limits
Get gas tank balance
List available assets
List enterprise users
List enterprises
Opt out of points system
Remove user from enterprise
Update enterprise
Update enterprise ECDSA MPC challenge
Entity Validation
Create Identity
Create Identity Document
Get Identity
Get Identity Document
POST Identity Submit Signatures
Patch Update Identity
Update Identity Document
Enterprise Webhooks
Create enterprise webhook
Delete enterprise webhook
List enterprise webhooks
Simulate bank account webhook
Simulate enterprise webhook
Download report
Generate report
Get report
List reports
Add user to enterprise
Create access token
Freeze User
Get Recovery Codes
Get another users public key for wallet sharing
Get session
Get user
List access tokens
Lock session
Login Request
Unlock session
Accelerate Transaction
Accept wallet share
Calculate mining fee
Canonicalize address
Consolidate account (simple)
Consolidate unspents (simple)
Create key
Decrypt messages
Encrypt messages
Fan out unspents
Generate wallet
Ping BitGo Express
Recover ETH token
Resolve pending approval
Send to many
Send transaction
Share wallet
Sign MPC transaction
Sign transaction
Sign wallet transaction
Sweep funds
Verify address
Enterprise Management
Create an enterprise for an organization
Get child enterprise
List asset balances
List enterprises for an organization
Organization Management
List org activity timeline
Organization Search History
Create search history item
Delete a search history item
Global search across the organization
List org search history
Organization Trades
Get org trade order
List org trade order fills
List org trade orders
List org trade products
Organization Transfers
Get org transfer
List org transfer timeline
List org transfers
Organization Webhooks
Create a webhook for multiple assets
Delete an organization webhook by id
Get webhook by id
List webhooks for an organization
Simulate a webhook
User Management
Add a user to an organization
Get user by id
List users across the organization
Remove a user from an organization
Update users role in an enterprise
Update users role in organization
Policy Builder
Create policy rule
Deactivate policy rule
Get policy rule
List actions
List conditions for scope
List conditions for touchpoint
List policy rules
List policy-rule versions
List scopes
List touchpoints
Update policy rule
Wallet Policy
Add wallet-policy rule
Delete wallet-policy rule
Update wallet-policy rule
Approval Requests
Update settlement approval request
Settlement Onboarding
Get settlement trading account settings
List settlement trading partners
List settlement trading partners
Settlement Signing
Get settlement signing
Sign settlement
Create settlement
Get settlement by ID.
List settlements by account
List settlements by enterprise
Staking History
Get staking accrual history
Get staking reward history
Staking Request
Create staking request
List Staking Requests for a Wallet
List staking requests by ID
List staking requests by asset
List staking requests by enterprise
Sign staking transaction
Staking State Information
Get staking license
Get staking requirements
List coins available for staking
List staking delegations
List staking details by enterprise
List staking details by wallet
List staking partnered validators
List staking rewards
List staking validators for a wallet
Get historical prices
Get spot prices
Cancel Order
Close all margin positions
Cover all short margin positions
Get Account Balance
Get Current User
Get Level1 Order Book
Get Level2 Order Book
Get Order
Get Trade
Get margin risk profile
Get margin risk settings
Get net open margin position limits
Get net open margin positions
List Accounts
List Currencies
List Orders
List Products
List Trades
List available currencies for collateral
Place Order
Transfer collateral for margin
Transfer margin position
Wallet & Transact
Create address
Deploy address
Forward tokens from address
Get address
Get proof of address ownership
List addresses
List addresses sorted by balance
Update address
Look up user accounts by their Stellar address or id
Create key
Get Bitgo MPC GPG public key
Get key
List keys
Pending approval
Get pending approval
List counts of pending approvals
List pending approvals
Update pending approval
Send label
Create send label
Delete send label
Get send label by id
List send labels
Update send label
Change Fee
Get fee estimate
Get transfer
Get transfer by sequence id
List account wire withdrawals
List all transfers on all wallets in an enterprise
List transfers
List transfers on all wallets in an enterprise for a given coin and block height
Update comment
Update wire withdrawal
Transaction request
Create ECDSA MPC challenge for message
Create ECDSA MPC challenge for transaction
Create a signature share for a transaction on a transaction request
Create a signature share for the transaction request
Create transaction request
Create transfer for transaction request
Delete ECDSA MPC configurations
Delete signature shares on a transaction request.
Exchange commitments for EdDSA transactions (full)
Exchange commitments for EdDSA transactions (lite)
Get MPC settings.
Get transaction requests by enterprise
Get transaction requests by enterprise filtering by wallet permissions
Get transaction requests by wallet
Get transaction requests ready for signature
List ECDSA MPC configurations per enterprise
Rebuild transaction requests
Send a transaction request.
Sign transaction request
Update Transaction Request For Wallet
Add wallet (advanced only)
Add wallet (advanced only)
Build a transaction
Cancel a wallet share
Check if a GG18 Wallet is ready to update to DKLS.
Consolidate account (advanced)
Consolidate unspents (advanced)
Delete wallet
Freeze wallet
Get Wallet Cross Chain Unspents
Get average fee
Get balance reserve data
Get list of potentially stuck transactions and their nonces for eth-like coins
Get maximum spendable
Get pinned wallet count
Get spending limits and current amount spent
Get staked balance data
Get total rewards data
Get unspents
Get wallet by ID
Get wallet by ID and coin
Get wallet by address
Get wallets count
Initiate a transaction
Initiate a trustline transaction
List forwarder addresses and balances
List last 10 contract sequenceIds of a wallet
List total balances
List unspent reservation
List wallet share requests
List wallets
List wallets by coin
Make unspent reservation
Modifying unspent reservation
Pin or unpin a wallet
Release unspent reservation
Remove user from wallet
Send a half-signed transaction
Send funds to forwarder
Update wallet
Wallet share
Create a wallet share
Get wallet share
Get wallet share V1
List counts of wallet shares
List wallet shares
Reject a wallet reshare request
Request wallet reshare
Resend a wallet share invitation email
Update a wallet share
Add block webhook
Add wallet webhook
Create webhook secret
List block webhooks
List wallet webhooks
Remove block webhook
Remove wallet webhook
Simulate block webhook
Simulate wallet webhook
Verify Webhook Notification
Coins and Tokens
API Reference
Release Notes
Get MPC settings.
Get the MPC settings for the user.
200 Response
dictionary<string, object>
Hide children
View children
500 Response
Error code
Properties that apply to a specific error name
Human-readable error message
Client request id
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