Build an approval transaction for ERC20 token


Path Parameters

  • coinstringRequired
    A cryptocurrency symbol or token ticker symbol
    Example: btc
    Min length: >= 1 characters
  • walletIdstringRequired
    Example: 59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f
    Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$
    Min length: >= 1 characters

Request Body

amount string
Min length: >= 1 characters
gasLimit number
gasPrice number
eip1559 object
maxFeePerGas number required
maxPriorityFeePerGas number required

200 Response

txHex string required
txInfo object required
amount string required
contractAddress string required
spender string required
recipients array[object] required
address string required
amount string required
data string required

400 Response

name string
Error code
context object required
Properties that apply to a specific error name
error string required
Human-readable error message
requestId string required
Client request id