Create Webhooks


You can set up webhooks to programmatically receive callbacks or notifications from BitGo when specific events occur. For example, you can attach webhooks to wallets to receive transaction notifications or to blocks to receive block notifications.

Before you process a webhook notification, we recommend you verify the information sent in it by fetching the transfer or block data from BitGo. Also, ensure your application can succeed even if:

  • You encounter transient network errors.
  • You receive the same webhook twice, due improper acknowledgement.


BitGo servers make POST HTTP requests to the URL defined in a JSON payload. If we don't receive a successful HTTP 200 OK response, we attempt to retry the webhook with an increasing delay between each retry. After the original attempt, BitGo will make up to 7 additional attempts. Retry intervals are as follows:

1, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 240 minutes


BitGo suspends sending notifications when either of the following occur for a webhook:

  • At least 100 notification failures within 1 week.
  • At least 500 notification failures over the lifetime.

If BitGo suspends a webhook, you must delete the suspended webhook and create a new one.

Webhook Types

Wallet Webhooks

BitGo offers the following webhooks for wallets:

Address confirmationTriggers when a new wallet address initializes. This is only applicable for ETH and XRP.
Low feeTriggers when the average fee on a blockchain drops below a configurable threshold set on a wallet.
Pending approvalTriggers when there's a wallet event that requires approval. For example, pending approval state updates, policy changes, sending transactions, or user changes.
TransactionTriggers when there's a transaction recorded on chain. Returns the transaction hash.
TransferTriggers when there's a transfer into or out of a wallet.

Note: An unconfirmed webhook notification doesn't trigger if a transaction is confirmed on chain immediately after it's sent, or if it's a Replace-by-fee (RBF) transaction.

Wallet-Level Pending Approval Webhooks

Bitgo offers the following webhooks for wallet-level pending approvals:

User Change RequestAdds or removes a user from a wallet.
Transaction RequestApproves a transaction (sent via the /send or /initiate APIs) that violates wallet policy.
Transaction Request FullApproves a transaction (sent via the Transaction Request APIs) that violates wallet policy.
Policy Rule RequestUpdates a policy.
Update Approvals Required RequestUpdates the number of approvers required for a wallet.

Enterprise-Level Pending Approval Webhooks

BitGo offers the following webhooks for enterprise-level pending approvals:

User Change RequestAdds or removes a user from a wallet.
Transaction RequestApproves a transaction (sent via the /send or /initiate APIs) that violates wallet policy.
Policy Rule RequestUpdates a policy.
Update Approvals Required RequestUpdates the number of approvers required for a wallet.
Update Enterprise RequestAdds or removes a user from an enterprise.

Block Webhooks

BitGo offers the following webhooks for blocks:

  • Block - Triggers when there's a new block on the coin network.
  • Wallet confirmation - Triggers when a wallet initializes.

Create Webhooks

Wallet Webhooks

  • SDK
  • API
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 const BitGo = require('bitgo'); const bitgo = new BitGo.BitGo({ env: 'test', accessToken: process.env.TEST_ACCESS_TOKEN }); bitgo.coin('tbtc').wallets().get({ id: '<wallet_id>' }).then((wallet) => { wallet.addWebhook({ type: 'transfer', allToken: false, url: '', label: '<your_webhook_label>', nnumConfirmations: 6, listenToFailureStates: true }) });

For more examples, see our GitHub repository and API Reference.

Step Result
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 { "allToken": false, "id": "59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f", "label": "Test Webhook", "created": "2018-05-05T19:46:22.019Z", "coin": "btc", "type": "transfer", "url": "", "version": 2, "numConfirmations": 6, "state": "active", "lastAttempt": "2018-05-05T19:46:22.019Z", "failingSince": "2018-05-05T19:46:22.019Z", "successiveFailedAttempts": 0 }

Block Webhooks

  • SDK
  • API
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 //Add a new block webhook when a new block is seen on the network or when a wallet is initialized of a given user defined coin. import { BitGo } from 'bitgo'; // change this to env: 'production' when you are ready for production const bitgo = new BitGo({ env: 'test' }); // set your access token here const accessToken = ''; // Set the coin type of an active wallet in your BitGo account // e.g. tbtc const network = ''; // Set the url you would like to receive notifications at // e.g. const callbackUrl = ''; // Set notification trigger type // e.g. 'block' | 'wallet_confirmation' const type = ''; // Add a label to your webhook (optional) const label = ''; // Add a minimum number of confirmations before the webhook is triggered (optional) // Defaults to 0 const numConfirmations = 0; async function main() { bitgo.authenticateWithAccessToken({ accessToken }); const coin = bitgo.coin(network); const newWebhook = await coin.webhooks().add({ url: callbackUrl, type, label, numConfirmations }); console.log('New webhook created successfully'); console.log(newWebhook); } main().catch((e) => console.error(e));
Step Result
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 { "type": "transfer", "userId": "59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f", "id": "59cd72485007a239fb00282ed480da1f", "label": "Test Webhook", "created": "2018-05-05T19:46:22.019Z", "coin": "btc", "url": "", "version": 2, "numConfirmations": 6, "state": "active", "lastAttempt": "2018-05-05T19:46:22.019Z", "failingSince": "2018-05-05T19:46:22.019Z", "successiveFailedAttempts": 0 }

For more examples, see our GitHub repository and API Reference.

See Also