Request Signing and Verification


Your integration must be able to verify the authenticity of requests coming from BitGo. To do this, BitGo recommends that you use JSON Web Token (JWT) with the RS256 hashing algorithm, fed by 2048-bit RSA.

BitGo generates and manages a Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) key pair and provides you with the public key during signature verification.

To prevent replay attacks, BitGo recommends using JWT ID and a finite expiry of 1 minute or less. The uniqueness of the JWT ID should be enforced in your system when you receive requests. For convenience, the JWT ID can be a time-based string.

BitGo sends the generated JWT to all APIs that you provision in the request headers. The signature is contained in the X-BitGo-Signature header.

To learn more about JWT, view the JWT documentation and GitHub repo.


  • Get Started - Ensure your access token has the following permissions:
    • Settlement Network - Read
    • Settlement Network - Write
  • Fund Go Account
  • Sign a BitGo Network license. To learn more, contact


The following code sample generates these keys:

  • openssl genrsa -out private.test.pem 2048
  • openssl rsa -in private.test.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.test.pem
  • JavaScript
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