View Wallets and Balances
BitGo enables you to retrieve wallet details, including addresses and balances. Every BitGo wallet has a wallet ID that identifies it on its respective blockchain. Even though wallets may have multiple receive addresses, each wallet can only have 1 wallet ID. Using the wallet ID and or the ticker symbol of the asset, you can retrieve various combinations of wallet details, such as:
- Addresses
- Balances
- All addresses in a wallet
- All your cyrptocurrencies from all your wallets
- Specific assets
- Specific wallets
- Keys
- Users
- Staking data
- Wallet types
Most of the endpoints that return wallet-balance data include NFT data. However, some of the endpoints don't return NFT data. Review the following:
Balances (Including NFTs) | Balances (Excluding NFTs) |
List Addresses | List Total Balances |
List Wallet by Coin | Get Wallet by Address |
List Wallets | |
Get Wallet by Coin and ID |
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import * as dotenv from "dotenv"; import {EnvironmentName} from "bitgo"; import {BitGoAPI} from "@bitgo/sdk-api"; import {Tbtc4} from "@bitgo/sdk-coin-btc"; dotenv.config(); const bitgo = new BitGoAPI({ env: process.env.ENV as EnvironmentName, accessToken: process.env.TESTNET_ACCESS_TOKEN }); const coin = 'tbtc4'; bitgo.register(coin, Tbtc4.createInstance); const walletId = process.env.WALLET_ID; async function main() { const wallet = await bitgo.coin(coin).wallets().get({id: walletId}); console.dir(wallet._wallet); } main().catch((err) => console.error(err));
Step Result
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