Stake from Self-Custody Wallet
To stake assets, you must create a staking-request transaction. BitGo uses the request to generate 1 or more delegation transactions, depending on the asset. Each transaction must abide by your policies, requiring approval, if configured, followed by signing and broadcasting.
Note: Staking protocols differ by asset. To learn asset-specific staking details, you can call the Retrieve coins available for staking and some basic information endpoint.
- Get Started
- Create Wallets
- Enable staking in your enterprise by contacting
1. Create Staking Request
Create a staking request by specifying the staking details and sending them to BitGo. The following example shows the minimum required parameters for staking ether.
Endpoint: Staking Request Creation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
export COIN="<ASSET_ID>" export WALLET_ID="<YOUR_WALLET_ID>" export ACCESS_TOKEN="<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" export AMOUNT="<AMOUNT_IN_BASE_UNITS>" curl -X POST \$COIN/wallets/$WALLET_ID/requests \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "amount": "'"$AMOUNT"'", "type": "STAKE" }'
Step Result
BitGo uses the data you pass to build an unsigned staking request. The following example builds a staking request for 64 HTETH.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
{ "id": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "clientId": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "requestUserId": "6092e75c451052000636831deb797bd1", "enterpriseId": "1032e75c451052000436831deb797af1", "walletId": "2032e75g451052000636831abd797bd3", "walletType": "hot", "type": "STAKE", "coin": "hteth", "createdDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28Z", "statusModifiedDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28Z", "status": "NEW", "withdrawalAddress": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecd7c", "amount": 6400000000000000000, "gasPrice": 1000000000000000 }
2. Get Request Status (Optional)
Validators must process your staking request before the request is ready for approval and signing. To get notified when staking requests are pending approval, you can Create Webhooks. To get notified when staking requests are pending approval or signature, you can call the following:
Endpoint: Retrieve staking requests and staking transactions for a given enterprise and query params
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
export ENTERPRISE_ID="<YOUR_ENTERPRISE_ID>" export ACCESS_TOKEN="<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" export WALLET_TYPE="<YOUR_WALLET_TYPE>" export WALLET_ID="<YOUR_WALLET_ID>" curl -X GET \$ENTERPRISE_ID/requests/transactions \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "walletType": "'"$WALLET_TYPE"'", "walletId": "'"$WALLET_ID"'", "requestType": "STAKE", "requestStatus": "PENDING_APPROVAL" }'
Step Result
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
{ "summary": "Ethereum Staking Request Results Example", "value": { "page": 1, "totalPages": 1, "totalElements": 1, "requests": [ { "id": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "clientId": "f054adbc-26a3-4acd-8a9d-726a05bca0dr", "requestUserId": "6092e75c451052000636831deb797bd1", "enterpriseId": "1032e75c451052000436831deb797af1", "walletId": "2032e75g451052000636831abd797bd3", "walletType": "hot", "type": "STAKE", "coin": "hteth", "createdDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28.000Z", "statusModifiedDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28.000Z", "status": "NEW", "withdrawalAddress": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecd7c", "delegations": [ { "id": "e0225adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "delegationAddress": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecdy5", "withdrawalAddress": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecd7c", "delegated": "3200000000000000000", "status": "PENDING_APPROVAL", "rewards": "0", "lockedRewards": "0", "pendingUnstake": "3200000000000000000", "pendingStake": "0", "apy": "8.3", "coin": "hteth", "walletId": "2032e75g451052000636831abd797bd3", "unstakingFee": "100000000000000", "unstakingMin": "0" }, { "id": "e0225adbc-55b43-5tta-9a9d-726a05bca0ai", "delegationAddress": "0x3b6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecre4", "withdrawalAddress": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecd7c", "delegated": "3200000000000000000", "status": "PENDING_APPROVAL", "rewards": "0", "lockedRewards": "0", "pendingUnstake": "3200000000000000000", "pendingStake": "0", "apy": "8.3", "coin": "hteth", "walletId": "2032e75g451052000636831abd797bd3", "unstakingFee": "1000000000000000", "unstakingMin": "0" } ], "transactions": [ { "id": "d0355adbc-55b43-5tta-9a9d-726a05bca0ai", "stakingRequestId": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "createdDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28.000Z", "statusModifiedDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28.000Z", "status": "PENDING_APPROVAL", "amount": "3200000000000000000", "transactionType": "delegate", "delegationId": "e0225adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "buildParams": { "recipients": { "amount": "3200000000000000000", "address": "0xff50ed3d0ec03aC01D4C79aAd74928BFF48a7b2b", "data": "fds0934rnnio390nw" }, "stakingParams": { "requestId": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "amount": "3200000000000000000", "validator": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecdy5", "actionType": "delegate" }, "gasPrice": "1000000000000000", "gasLimit": "3000000000000000" } }, { "id": "i0500adbc-55b43-5tta-9a9d-726a05bca0op", "stakingRequestId": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "createdDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28.000Z", "statusModifiedDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28.000Z", "status": "PENDING_APPROVAL", "amount": "3200000000000000000", "transactionType": "delegate", "delegationId": "e0225adbc-55b43-5tta-9a9d-726a05bca0ai", "buildParams": { "recipients": { "amount": "3200000000000000000", "address": "0xff50ed3d0ec03aC01D4C79aAd74928BFF48a7b2b", "data": "fds0934rnnio390nw" }, "stakingParams": { "requestId": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "amount": "3200000000000000000", "validator": "0x3b6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecre4", "actionType": "delegate" }, "gasPrice": "1000000000000000", "gasLimit": "3000000000000000" } } ], "amount": "6400000000000000000", "gasPrice": "1000000000000000" } ] } }
3. Approve Request (Optional)
If you have a policy that requires approval, you must approve the staking request before signing and broadcasting.
Note: If you configure an approval requirement for staking requests, you can't approve your own transactions - another admin must approve them.
Endpoint: Update Pending Approval
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
export APPROVAL_ID="<APPROVAL_ID>" export ACCESS_TOKEN="<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" export OTP="<YOUR_OTP>" curl -X PUT \$APPROVAL_ID \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "state": "approved", "otp": "'"$OTP"'" }'
Step Result
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
{ "id": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "coin": "hteth", "wallet": "2032e75g451052000636831abd797bd3", "enterprise": "1032e75c451052000436831deb797af1", "creator": "62ab90e06dfda30007974f0a52a12995", "createDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28Z", "info": { "type": "transactionRequest", "transactionRequest": { "requestedAmount": "3200000000000000000", "fee": 20451, "sourceWallet": "2032e75g451052000636831abd797bd3", "policyUniqueId": "654ec786c07fe8dc0dcfe03f", "recipients": [ { "address": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecdy5", "amount": "3200000000000000000", "_id": "65529448bd87efe59c3b0158" } ], "coinSpecific": {} } }, "state": "approved", "scope": "wallet", "userIds": [ "62ab90e06dfda30007974f0a52a12995", "621d08a634ad8a0007fcddffd7c429cc" ], "approvalsRequired": 1, "singleRunResults": [ { "ruleId": "Custody Enterprise Transaction ID Verification", "triggered": false, "_id": "65529448bd87efe59c3b0157" } ], "resolvers": [ { "user": "621d08a634ad8a0007fcddffd7c429cc", "date": "2022-01-11T13:30:14Z", "resolutionType": "pending" } ] }
4. Sign and Send Request
1 2 3 4 5 6
const transactions = await stakingWallet.getTransactionsReadyToSign(; if (!transactions.allSigningComplete && transactions.transactions.length > 0) { transactions.transactions.forEach((transaction: StakingTransaction) => { await stakingWallet.buildSignAndSend({ walletPassphrase: 'walletPassphrase' }, transaction); }); }
Step Result
The staking request is half-signed and sent to BitGo for final signing and broadcasting to the blockchain.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
{ "id": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "clientId": "f054adbc-26a3-4acd-8a9d-726a05bca0dr", "requestUserId": "6092e75c451052000636831deb797bd1", "enterpriseId": "1032e75c451052000436831deb797af1", "walletId": "2032e75g451052000636831abd797bd3", "walletType": "hot", "type": "STAKE", "coin": "hteth", "createdDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28Z", "statusModifiedDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28Z", "status": "NEW", "withdrawalAddress": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecd7c", "delegations": [ { "id": "e0225adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "delegationAddress": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecdy5", "delegated": 3200000000000000000, "status": "PENDING", "rewards": 0, "pendingUnstake": 3200000000000000000, "apy": 8.3, "coin": "hteth", "walletId": "2032e75g451052000636831abd797bd3", "unstakingFee": 100000000000000, "unstakingMin": 0 }, { "id": "e0225adbc-55b43-5tta-9a9d-726a05bca0ai", "delegationAddress": "0x3b6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecre4", "delegated": 3200000000000000000, "status": "PENDING", "rewards": 0, "pendingUnstake": 3200000000000000000, "apy": 8.3, "coin": "hteth", "walletId": "2032e75g451052000636831abd797bd3", "unstakingFee": 1000000000000000, "unstakingMin": 0 } ], "transactions": [ { "stakingRequestId": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "createdDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28Z", "statusModifiedDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28Z", "status": "PENDING", "amount": 3200000000000000000, "transactionType": "delegate", "delegationId": "e0225adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "buildParams": { "recipients": { "amount": 3200000000000000000, "address": "0xff50ed3d0ec03aC01D4C79aAd74928BFF48a7b2b", "data": "fds0934rnnio390nw" }, "stakingParams": { "requestId": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "amount": 3200000000000000000, "validator": "0x5a6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecdy5", "actionType": "delegate" }, "gasPrice": 1000000000000000, "gasLimit": 3000000000000000 } }, { "stakingRequestId": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "createdDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28Z", "statusModifiedDate": "2022-01-10T14:32:28Z", "status": "PENDING", "amount": 3200000000000000000, "transactionType": "delegate", "delegationId": "e0225adbc-55b43-5tta-9a9d-726a05bca0ai", "buildParams": { "recipients": { "amount": 3200000000000000000, "address": "0xff50ed3d0ec03aC01D4C79aAd74928BFF48a7b2b", "data": "fds0934rnnio390nw" }, "stakingParams": { "requestId": "e055adbc-66a3-4ccd-9a9d-726a05bca0cf", "amount": 3200000000000000000, "validator": "0x3b6406c9710f588ca733360bfa8033d0ef9ecre4", "actionType": "delegate" }, "gasPrice": 1000000000000000, "gasLimit": 3000000000000000 } } ], "amount": 6400000000000000000, "gasPrice": 1000000000000000 }
You can view the completed staking request in BitGo or on a blockchain explorer.
See Also
- API Reference: Retrieve coins available for staking and some basic information
- API Reference: Retrieve staking requests and staking transactions for a given enterprise and query params
- API Reference: Staking Request Creation
- API Reference: Update Pending Approval
- API Reference: View Rewards and Balances
- Coins and Tokens
- Create Webhooks