Estimate Fees


You can estimate the blockchain fee at the time you initiate a transaction. However, the actual fee is reassessed when BitGo receives the final signature that approves the transaction. Therefore, the sooner your wallet users sign the transaction, the more accurate the fee estimation is.

UTXO-based coins return a fee per kB. Account-based coins return a flat fee.

Note: The fee estimate provided by BitGo is higher than the usual network fee. This additional fee is not charged by BitGo but is used to ensure that the transactions are processed faster and do not fail on the blockchain network.



  • SDK
  • API
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 const BitGoJS = require('../../../src/index.js'); const bitgo = new BitGoJS.BitGo({ env: 'test' }); const Promise = require('bluebird'); // Set your access token here const accessToken = 'v2xcbe8617bd58947a9ec41cc7a92e0a9a9d81dc2780669faa59eab3016ad5792ae'; // Set your coin of choice here const coin = 'tbtc'; Promise.coroutine(function *() { bitgo.authenticateWithAccessToken({ accessToken }); bitgo.coin(coin).feeEstimate({ numBlocks: 2 }, function callback(err, res) { console.dir(res); }); })();

Step Result

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 { "feePerKb": 15902, "cpfpFeePerKb": 0, "numBlocks": 2, "confidence": 80, "multiplier": 0, "feeByBlockTarget": { "1": 50536, "2": 15902, "3": 1579 } }

Checking Gas Tank Balance

All tokens on the Ethereum network require a gas tank. If you have an Ethereum-based wallet, you must maintain enough ETH to cover gas fees. This is stored in a separate address from the rest of your wallet balance.


  • API
1 2 3 4 5 6 GET /api/v2/{coin}/enterprise/{enterpriseId}/feeAddressBalance { "duration": 0 }

Step Result

1 2 3 { "balance": "string" }


Sign the transaction.

See Also