Withdraw from Wallet - Self-Custody MPC Hot (Advanced)
You withdraw from self-custody MPC hot wallets by submitting transaction-request details to BitGo. BitGo uses the data you pass to construct an unsigned transaction that wallet admins can approve or wallet co-signers can sign if there are no approvals needed. Once the transaction is approved, the signing stages are completed and the transaction is broadcast to the blockchain.
If you don't need this level of granular control for your withdrawals, see the integration guide for the simple flow.
- Get Started
- Create Wallets
- Create Wallet Whitelists
- Set Up External-Signer Mode (Optional)
- Deposit assets into your wallet
1. Request Transaction
Request the transaction by specifying the transaction details and sending them to BitGo.
Endpoint: Create transaction request
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export WALLET_ID="<WALLET_ID>" export ACCESS_TOKEN="<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" curl -X POST \ https://app.bitgo-test.com/api/v2/wallet/$WALLET_ID/txrequests \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "idempotencyKey": "string", "intent": { "intentType": "payment", "sequenceId": "abc123", "comment": "string", "nonce": "string", "recipients": [ { "address": { "address": "string", "options": {} }, "amount": { "value": "100", "symbol": "gteth" }, "data": "string" } ] }, "apiVersion": "full", "preview": false }'
Step Result
BitGo uses the data you pass to build an unsigned transaction.
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{ "txRequestId": "string", "version": 0, "latest": true, "walletId": "string", "walletType": "cold", "enterpriseId": "string", "state": "initialized", "date": "2018-05-05T19:46:22.019Z", "userId": "string", "intent": { "nonce": "string", "memo": "string", "intentType": "claim", "sequenceId": "abc123", "comment": "string", "stakingRequestId": "string", "stakingAddress": "string", "amount": { "value": "100", "symbol": "usdc" } }, "pendingApprovalId": "string", "transactions": [ { "state": "initialized", "unsignedTx": { "serializedTxHex": "string", "signableHex": "string", "derivationPath": "string", "feeInfo": { "feeString": "string", "fee": 0 } }, "signatureShares": [ { "from": "user", "to": "user", "share": "string" } ], "txHash": "string" } ] }
2. Approve Transaction (Optional)
Note: You can't approve your own transactions - another admin must approve them.
Endpoint: Update Pending Approval
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
export BITGO_EXPRESS_HOST="<YOUR_LOCAL_HOST>" export COIN="<ASSET_ID>" export APPROVAL_ID="<APPROVAL_ID>" export ACCESS_TOKEN="<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" export WALLET_PASSPHRASE="<YOUR_WALLET_PASSPHRASE>" curl -X PUT \ https://$BITGO_EXPRESS_HOST:3080/api/v2/$COIN/pendingApprovals/$APPROVAL_ID \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "state": "approved", "walletPassphrase": "'"$WALLET_PASSPHRASE"'" }'
Step Result
Once approved, BitGo rebuilds the half-signed transaction, applying the most up-to-date fees.
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{ "id": "66b66201c45ab3125fc2d8a77b541d12", "coin": "tsol", "wallet": "669569464cec3c82c9b524faf0d42087", "wallets": [], "enterprise": "6672220dd9e61ce3d62e9e2d710cbd6f", "organization": "66722210d9e61ce3d62e9e997100b40a", "bitgoOrg": "BitGo Trust", "creator": "6672175d79369c8ad556deaca06abeea", "createDate": "2024-08-09T18:37:53.078Z", "approvedDate": "2024-08-09T18:38:47.371Z", "info": { "type": "transactionRequestFull", "transactionRequestFull": { "txRequestId": "0b259f23-d5a8-47d0-8666-47a3df07e244", "videoApprovers": [], "intent": { "intentType": "payment", "recipients": [ { "address": { "address": "ESda41265eU4typ7Q7MFnBuaYUvV3rYsJyrGQzqo6YZn" }, "amount": { "value": "500000", "symbol": "tsol" } } ] } } }, "approvers": [], "state": "approved", "scope": "wallet", "userIds": [ "6672175d79369c8ad556deaca06abeea", "6672292d89bd038e41cfb93b6ee482f1" ], "approvalsRequired": 1, "singleRunResults": [], "txRequestId": "0b259f23-d5a8-47d0-8666-47a3df07e244", "resolvers": [ { "user": "6672292d89bd038e41cfb93b6ee482f1", "date": "2024-08-09T18:38:45.245Z", "resolutionType": "pending", "resolutionAction": "approve" } ], "policyEvaluationId": "8dc3ffdd-50ea-4ab6-9742-963a12eb4f6c", "actions": [ { "id": "d0bcc3af-b341-4b1c-9c7e-723ff4bc7259", "status": "COMPLETE", "name": "approvals.customer.walletAdmin", "parameters": { "minRequired": "1", "userIds": [] }, "resolvers": [ { "user": "6672292d89bd038e41cfb93b6ee482f1", "date": "2024-08-09T18:38:45.245Z", "resolutionType": "pending", "resolutionAction": "approve" } ], "approvers": [] } ], "resolutionOrder": [ { "actions": [ "d0bcc3af-b341-4b1c-9c7e-723ff4bc7259" ] } ] }
3. Sign and Send Transaction
Endpoint: Sign MPC transaction
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export BITGO_EXPRESS_HOST="<YOUR_LOCAL_HOST>" export COIN="<ASSET_ID>" export WALLET_ID="<YOUR_WALLET_ID>" export ACCESS_TOKEN="<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" export TX_REQUEST_ID="<TX_REQUEST_ID>" curl -X POST \ http://$BITGO_EXPRESS_HOST:3080/api/v2/$COIN/wallet/$WALLET_ID/signtxtss \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "txRequestId": "'"$TX_REQUEST_ID"'", "prv": "string, # Either pass just your `prv` or pass your `walletPassphrase`, `keychain`, and `encryptedPrv` "walletPassphrase": "string", "keychain": { "encryptedPrv": "string" } }'
Step Result
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
{ "apiVersion": "full", "txRequestId": "ed50bf41-cbc2-454e-81f5-840a024f802e", "walletId": "6695838af64d6e4dadf93838d29e78d3", "walletType": "hot", "version": 10, "enterpriseId": "6672220dd9e61ce3d62e9e2d710cbd6f", "organizationId": "66722210d9e61ce3d62e9e997100b40a", "userId": "6672175d79369c8ad556deaca06abeea", "initiatedBy": "6672175d79369c8ad556deaca06abeea", "updatedBy": "6672175d79369c8ad556deaca06abeea", "policiesChecked": true, "date": "2024-08-09T18:14:00.230Z", "createdDate": "2024-08-09T18:13:51.175Z", "intent": { "intentType": "payment", "recipients": [ { "address": { "address": "ALUiFg9sduhfBibcsg3yNYpbAwJrTZtfyTDtia99VGbb" }, "amount": { "value": "500000", "symbol": "tsol" } } ] }, "intents": [ { "intentType": "payment", "recipients": [ { "address": { "address": "ALUiFg9sduhfBibcsg3yNYpbAwJrTZtfyTDtia99VGbb" }, "amount": { "value": "500000", "symbol": "tsol" } } ] } ], "state": "delivered", "latest": true, "transactions": [ { "state": "delivered", "signatureShares": [], "commitmentShares": [], "unsignedTx": { "parsedTx": { "minerFee": "10000", "spendAmount": "500000", "spendAmounts": [ { "coinName": "tsol", "amountString": "500000" } ], "payGoFee": "0", "outputs": [ { "address": "ALUiFg9sduhfBibcsg3yNYpbAwJrTZtfyTDtia99VGbb", "value": 500000, "wallet": "669569464cec3c82c9b524fa", "wallets": [ "669569464cec3c82c9b524fa" ], "enterprise": "6672220dd9e61ce3d62e9e2d", "enterprises": [ "6672220dd9e61ce3d62e9e2d" ], "valueString": "500000", "coinName": "tsol" } ], "inputs": [ { "value": 500000, "address": "ESda41265eU4typ7Q7MFnBuaYUvV3rYsJyrGQzqo6YZn", "valueString": "500000" }, { "value": 10000, "address": "ESda41265eU4typ7Q7MFnBuaYUvV3rYsJyrGQzqo6YZn", "valueString": "10000" } ], "type": "Send" }, "serializedTxHex": "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", "signableHex": "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", "feeInfo": { "fee": 10000, "feeString": "10000" }, "derivationPath": "m/0", "coinSpecific": { "nonceAddress": "7EYPYzqLd7MCzb6MjGiG2TmnJRAfDiEYbQMfLHFqY1Qg" } }, "txHash": "5K5k73S8hCZhMMzEMkxoVwMefB7JYgEtb8bGvDx5uSt5bc6ZP9CbnDiFLDfpePhUrDCLvQGq7sCD4t9Pe5rJKCVY", "signedTx": { "id": "5K5k73S8hCZhMMzEMkxoVwMefB7JYgEtb8bGvDx5uSt5bc6ZP9CbnDiFLDfpePhUrDCLvQGq7sCD4t9Pe5rJKCVY", "tx": "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" }, "updatedDate": "2024-08-09T18:14:00.241Z", "createdDate": "2024-08-09T18:13:51.182Z" } ], "messages": [], "isCanceled": false }
You can view your completed withdrawal in BitGo or on a blockchain explorer.